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Goss Moor 21st May 2023

Writer: wonkyfrogwonkyfrog

Three of us set off in an Easterly direction across Goss Moor on the cycle trail, towards Toad’s Hall. Conditions were hot and dry, not ideal for fungi but perfect for spring flowers and insects.


Lachnum virgineum on dead bramble stems.

Hypocreopsis rhododendri (Hazel Gloves) on Hymenochaetopsis corrugata ( Glue Crust) on willow.

Polyporus varius on willow.

Daedaleopsis confragosa on willow.

Gymnosporangium clavariforme on hawthorn.

Cladonia sp. in masses on limbs of oak. TBC

Plants in flower

Silene flos-cuculi (Ragged Robin)

Cardamine pratensis (Cuckoo flower)

Caltha palustris (Marsh Marigold)

Menyanthes trifoliata ( Bog Bean)

Ranunculus hederaceus (Ivy –leaved Crowfoot)

Iris pseudoacorus (Yellow flag)


Ceriopsis vulnerate (Red and Black froghoppers)

Cincidela campestris ( Green Tiger Beetle)

Orange tip butterflies, numerous especially males

Green veined whites , three.

This report was written by Pauline Penna



British Mycological Society
Cornwall Wildlife Trust

Cornwall Fungus Recording Group is affiliated to the British Mycological Society.

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