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Amanita muscaria (Fly Agaric)

Amanita muscaria by Dave Thomas

Mucidula mucida (Porcelain fungus)  Randi Henderson

Mucidula mucida by Randi Henderson

Clathrus archeri (Devil's Fingers)

Clathrus archeri by Dan Ryan

Hypocreopsis rhododendri (Hazel Gloves)

Hypocreopsis rhododendri by Stuart Fullwood

Hygrocybe punicea (Crimson waxcap)

Hygrocybe punicea by Ian Benallick

Favolaschia claudopus (Orange Pore Fungus)

F. claudopus by Tony Hardware

Laetiporus sulphureus (Chicken of the Woods) Ian Bennallick

Laetiporus sulphureus by Ian Bennallick

Geastrum triplex (Collared Earthstar)

Geastrum triplex by Julian Branscombe

Puccinia albescens on Moschatel Billy Fullwood

Puccinia albescens by Billy Fullwood

Cruentomycena viscidocruenta (Blood red Mycena)

Cruentomycena viscidocruenta by Tony Hardware

Pilobolus crystallinus (Hat Thrower/Dung Cannon) Ellie Lynall

Pilobolus crystallinus by Ellie Lynall

Teloschistes flavicans (Golden Hair-lichen) Billy Fullwood

Teloschistes flavicans by Billy Fullwood

Teloschistes chrysopthalmus (Golden Eyelash lichen)

Teloschistes chrysopthalmus by Dr Paul Gainey

Hygrocybe punicea (Crimson waxcap) Ian Benallick 2

Hygrocybe punicea by Ian Benallick

Lycoperdon excipuliforme (Pestle Puffball)

Lycoperdon excipuliforme by Dave Thomas

Teloschistes chrysopthalmus (Golden Eyelash lichen)

Teloschistes chrysopthalmus by Dr Paul Gainey

Aleuria aurantia (Orange Peel fungus)

Aleuria aurantia by Jason Henderson

Calocera viscosa (Stagshorn)

Calocera viscosa by Dave Thomas

British Mycological Society
Cornwall Wildlife Trust

Cornwall Fungus Recording Group is affiliated to the British Mycological Society.

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